Runtarse was one of the littlest Orks Gutrencha had ever seen, but he had to admit he had one of the biggest brains in the mob. The lads knew not to mess with him. He was under Gutrencha’s personal protection ever since he’d gifted the warboss with a dead killy blasta rocket shoota.

“Wot? Boyz dat cud fly wiv spinny flyers…”, Gutrencha mused following Runtarse’s proposal.

Runtarse was nodding excitedly, “Yeah boss, one of ’em will even ‘ave a floaty Hovva Engine! It’s da best idea I’ve ‘ad in ages! You should see how da…”. Gutrencha stopped listening. Runtarse was smart, but he could prattle on something awful. Lots of big words and very little sense making.

“Yeah, yeah”, Gutrencha interrupted, “Me and the ladz ‘ill go searchin’ for the bitz’n’gubbins ya need. Just draw us a pictcha!”

The boyz were scavenging well. There’s been a dozen fights, but boyz will be boyz. They’d found most of the bitz from Runtarse’s sketches, well at least Gutrencha thought so. He wasn’t sure if he was holding the paper or the bitz the right way up.

A hum in the distance pricked at Gutrencha’s senses. Botboyz… some of those clanky Botboyz were on the way.

“Right ladz! Enough scrappin’… we’re about to ‘ave a real scrap!”, he bellowed, “Find da Mek’s gubbins and stomp some Botboyz!”. The afternoon was about to get nice and messy… the kinda messy Gutrencha liked!

Well, Gutrencha liked it until the Deathmarks blasted him out of the unit of Boyz that he was running around with. The Boyz flowed down the left flank, taking out the Canoptek Spider, Scarabs and then the Destroyers, with the help from some Nobz. The Nobz tried to deal with the Deathmarks, but poor attacks and excellent reanimation rolls meant they just wouldn’t die. The Boyz eventually hit the Necron Warriors and with the Flash Gitz took them out. All told, a very successful battle for the Orks. The mission was Recover Archeotech from Combat Patrol so the Boyz brought some nice bitz’n’ gubbins back for Runtarse… along with the near dead body of Gutrencha. I’m sure Doc Cheasterblade and Runtarse will put him back together.

Until next time,
