The ’regular enforcers’ were becoming troublesome. Franz knew their prying would lead to a crackdown sooner or later. It was too soon for the Four-armed Emperors’ plans to be unveiled, so they needed to be dealt with. He called on some reinforcements and decided to move against them.
The others had named the Aberrant Wolfgang, though it answered to no spoken word. Only Franz had the will to impel it to action. He’d decided to bring some Cold Traders along, as much to mask who the aggressors are as for their claims of combat prowess. The mission he’d given them was simple, search out the enemy’s supplies and destroy them. He wanted to ensure the Slag Furnace would be untenable for them to hold. That would give a little breathing room for the cult to continue to grow. There would be no denying the righteousness of their zeal.
Search and Destroy

This is the largest number of models I’ve had in a game of Necromunda – eight from my gang and four from the Cold Traders. I picked a tactic that would allow me to infiltrate with a model, as this would allow me to start searching for the weapons caches from turn 1 (I got lucky and rolled the 5+, so the gamble panned out). I was less lucky later when, often having multiple models searching, I didn’t manage the 5+. It didn’t matter too much as I’d denied Justin a relatively (for him) easy quadrant. I then punched hard with my captain and aberrant on my right flank. This gave Justin something to worry about and, more importantly, kept his gang away from my slow searchers. I eventually found what I needed and got them destroyed. While that was happening I fed Void-born Scum into the centre of the battlefield to stall the opposition there. The captain and aberrant carved a nice hole from the right flank into the centre.
All told a successful outing. One rookie was Critically Injured, but I (callously) opted to let him die. He’s freely replaced! I also rolled for another rookie and some decent credits. This allowed me to buy that rookie an Enforcer Shotgun and I’ve equipped my captain with a Power Sword.
Speaking of the captain, he’s advanced nicely… WS 3+, T4 and W3 so far. That makes him pretty dangerous and durable
I’m really enjoying Necromunda. The rules are nice and the narrative aspect of advancing a gang is cool.
Until next time,