Promethium. Franz definitely smelt promethium. He gestured at Hannes to move to the door. Another gesture at the guards to keep an eye on the prisoner. Back to Hannes, a closed fist turning signal instructing him to open the door. It groaned as it swung inward; instantly followed by a whooshing sound and a gout of vicious flames. Hannes dropped, wreathed in black smoke and fire. It kicked off then: las shots, bolter rounds and the screams of the burning enforcer. The Van Saars had found even more unsavoury allies… they were here for the prisoner.

This fight devolved into scrap around a door. Close quarters, shots past friends, melee, photon grenades and fire… lots of fire! My enforcers managed to take out Luke’s allies, but the Van Saar shooting was too hot. With two of my models taken out, one of which with a Critical Injury, it became time to abandon the prisoner and get out of dodge! The doctor fixed up my wounded enforcer, who learned from the experience. All told I gained experience and didn’t lose anyone, so I’ll call that a success in the dangerous world of Necromunda.
Until next time,