Franz barked orders, though he also used a little psychic nudge to impel Edgar forward. He knew the sergeant would be momentarily confused, but he needed to flush out the other enforcers. The boys in Precinct Zeta-3451 had been snooping around his business a little too often recently. His was divine work and no amount of talking would help them understand how he and his team went about that work.
Edgar ran across to the ruined facade of an administratum building, the rest of the team holding off for a moment. A shot rang out, revealing the presence and intent of the Zetas. Edgar dove prone, but soon righted himself, both stub guns answering the challenge of the enemy. Franz heard at least two cries from unseen enemy. Edgar had hit the mark(s).
Franz moved forward, his assault shield hiding his armoured mass. A heavy thud on the shield staggered him, but the rest of the team were by his side, their weapons answering the challenge. The cracking of stubber fire and the krumping of grenades formed the soundtrack of today’s lesson.
They’d teach the Zeta boys to keep their distance…

There are plans forming for a Necromunda campaign in the club. Justin and I played a trial run game last night to wrap our heads around the rules. It was great fun, Justin is a really nice guy, and we got on very well in our game, with a big thanks to the expert support from Peadar. We were both using Enforcer gangs, but we’ve decided mine will be Genestealer tainted for the campaign. That should make things a little interesting and it will give hopefully me a chance to draw from my GSC models.
I’m very much looking forward to playing the campaign. Necromunda is nicely crunchy (and complicated… and a little messy), but I’m sure we’ll figure it all out in due course.
Until next time,