Neb knew he still had something to prove. The crew hadn’t fully accepted him yet, but they followed instruction well enough. This raid on the Skymine was the perfect opportunity to show off some of his ‘tricks’…
This is a really interesting scenario (to be fair, they all are) which sees crews trying to grab loot from a floating Skymine. The white patches in the battlefield represent openings to the clouds below. Neb would make good use of these to fling, drag and push opponents from the platform.

The data loot ended up near the edges of the battlefield, marked by the pinkish octagonal tokens (numbered 4 and 5), with the physical loot slightly clustered in the middle. We had to deploy in corners, so this scenario had a ‘mad dash’ feel about it.

As the game progressed an epic shooting and melee duel occurred along the top edge of the battlefield. My captain was wounded early on and began to retire away, but my codebreaker was stalwart and ended up snatching the loot, overcoming Phil’s captain and a hacker in melee!

Elsewhere there was a scramble for the loot, with Phil getting the better of things. I managed to snag just one other physical loot. My first mate had a great game, using his Pull and Fling abilities to send at least two of Phil’s crew falling off the Skymine.

As per usual things began to hot up as the game progressed with more pirates and ruffians, and even a bounty hunter(!), arriving, so we had to clear out.

Stargrave continues to be excellent fun. We’re planning to play the Hope Eternal campaign soon…
Until next time,