Nah Duo straightened up, pulling his gaze from the display to his first mate.
“What do you think?”
”Dunno. Could be the decay signature of a prop reactor.”, intoned ‘Crunchy’, his eyes not shifting from the flicker on the screen.
“It’s not far and we have some juice in the tank… not enough, but enough for a look see.”
Crunchy turned his head up towards Nah’s.
“Yeah, let’s do it.”
A crashed ship… with a defensive array… on a hostile planet… what space pirate could resist that. Phil fielded a new crew after the unfortunate death of his captain in the first game. My lot came through pretty much unscathed, so were all set to grab whatever loot they could from the crash site.
There was a scramble for the middle and a bit of a rumble there, whilst the edges were harassed by monsters, mostly ryakans.
Phil’s crew fared better in the centre, but I did well on the north and south edges. I got away with a couple of loot tokens and Phil’s crew nabbed one. The aftermath of this game wasn’t as dramatic as that of the last, which I’m sure Phil is grateful for! My First Mate, Crunchy, did come away with a crushed arm however. I think Crunchy will be replaced soon. Maybe we’ll bring him back to the Undercity where Nah Duo picked him up… I also lost a codebreaker, but I did get an advanced Grenade Launcher and a Reality Distorter, which I sold. Phil’s codebreaker was badly wounded (bad day for codebreakers) and he also picked up an advanced Grenade Launcher. They must have been part of the cargo of the crashed ship.
Until next time,