Following the descent of the spaceport Final Salvation our attention now turns to the surface of Syrlene XI. This time we’re going to play a Warhammer 40,000 campaign, with maybe a couple of Kill Team games if they make Narrative Sense. For the campaign we’re mixing and matching a few elements:

  • Campaign rules from the old Warhammer: Lustria supplement (P.34)
  • Battlezones from various Warhammer 40,000 supplements, including the Vigilus books
  • Missions using ‘Crucible of War’ narrative missions from the main rulebook and the Vigilus books. Missions will be chosen based on the modified mission matrix (modified from version on P.273 of the main rulebook)

Using the campaign rules we generated the following map…

Initial Syrlene XI campaign map

We also randomly generated territory types for each of the lettered territories:

  • a. Vital Crossroads: DV0; Move without spending Campaign pts on 2+
  • b. Yeast Depot (Farming Village): DV0; 2 Allied Armies may occupy at same time
  • c. Yeast Depot (Farming Village): DV0; 2 Allied Armies may occupy at same time
  • d. Large Habspire (Large Town): DV0; At the beginning of each Campaign turn roll D6, on 5+ get 1 Campaign pt; 2 Allied Armies may occupy at same time
  • e. Yeast Depot (Farming Village): DV0; 2 Allied Armies may occupy at same time
  • f. Refinery (Market Town): DV0; At the beginning of each Campaign turn roll D6, on 6 get +1 Campaign pt; 2 Allied Armies may occupy at same time
  • g. Large Habspire (Large Town): DV0; At the beginning of each Campaign turn roll D6, on 5+ get 1 Campaign pt; 2 Allied Armies may occupy at same time. Note: This is where Final Salvation is crashing into the planet and is currently a Fire and Fury battlezone.
  • h. Large Habspire (Large Town): DV0; At the beginning of each Campaign turn roll D6, on 5+ get 1 Campaign pt; 2 Allied Armies may occupy at same time

DV indicates Defence Value. This can be improved by spending Campaign points and it restricts enemy units from moving into it without them expending additional points. Each turn players generate D3+1 Campaign points, plus any territorial benefits, and these can be spent on a variety of things, including moving your armies. Players alternate spending Campaign points on each campaign turn. For example, here are how things stand after Phil and I have completed 3 Turns.

Syrlene XI campaign: Turn 3

The controlled territories are indicated by coloured dots and the DVs of the territories are notes on the left-hand side, including the Campaign points we spent that turn.

Our armies have encountered each other at territory d, a Large Habspire, with a Wasteland Dust Storm encroaching on it. We’ll determine the mission using the grid above when we come to play next week and will use armies of about 65 PL.

Until next time,
