In my last post about this army I had two models left to paint – the Stone Keeper and the Druid Wilder. I used an old Wood Elves model for the Stone Keeper and found a suitable model for the Druid Wilder during my recent trip to Hamburg.
Here’s a video showing off this army –
Here’s the full list –
Army Name: Kaya2
Circle Orboros
35+3 points, 15 models
Kaya the Moonhunter +3 points
* Laris
* Pureblood Warpwolf 9 points
* 2x Warpwolf Stalker 10 points each
* Druid Wilder 2 points
Shifting Stones 2 points
* Stone Keeper 1 point
Shifting Stones 2 points
2x War Wolf 1 point each
Additional Rules: Eligible for Call of the Wild, tier 1
I’m looking forward to getting some play with them. I’ll probably write a theory post on it soon as I attempt to figure out how the army will work!
Until next time,