This turned out longer than expected, but I think I cover the basics –
- Installation
- Terrain
- Getting Online
- Selecting Models
- Movement
- Measurement
- Templates (and Deviation)
- Marking effects
Hope it’s useful.
PS I have a post with most of the keyboard shortcuts here also sometimes i like to play casino games they are often fun.
Really helpful but the sound of the clicking is… distracting.
Still, it’s good to see a tutorial out there for those who might be interested in starting it.
Great tutorial thanks! Now to find someone to game with online. Beyond just the rooms in Vassal, do you know if there are any communities online that revolve around Warmachine games on Vassal? I’ve not searched Privateer Press’ site for them at all yet, but wondered if you had any pointers.
Glad the tutorial is of some use. @whitestar333 Sorry about the clicking. I was using the trackpad on the MacBook. I usually create videos on my desktop.
@Erekose13 I usually just play a few friends (that I met in real life first). I’m not sure what communities there are for VASSAL play.
What do you think the impact of the War Room app will be on vassal play?
I think War Room has a some potential to enhance VASSAL play assuming that the ability to mark damage and note continuous effects is neatly done. That said VASSAL handles those things quite well. The other assumption is that both players have War Room. Having access to the other players cards during play is nice, but I tend to grab the faction book of the person I’m playing so I have their information to hand too.
One thing you can also turn on is the Command Radius of the Warcaster which is really handy.
I meant Control Area, btw.
@Gus at 8:40 I mention that Ctrl-S is used to turn on the Butcher’s Control Area 😉
where do i get the module for warmachine
Hi Declan – it can be found here –
Very useful man, thanks for making it!