I will be running a 35 Point Warmachine/Hordes Tournament on Saturday, 10th December in Gamer’s World Dublin. Full details are:
What: Steamroller 2012 Beta Tournament
Where: Gamers World, Dublin
Date & Time: 10/12/2011. 11am hard start, registration begins at 10:15 AM.
Entry Fee: €10.
Points: 35 points, two lists (optional). Lists must be written. If taking a theme force, players are required to bring a copy of the theme rules. Note: Reinforcements will not be used in this tournament.
Restrictions: Models or Units with FA:C cannot be in both lists. For the purpose of regular versus epics, epic models are considered to be different characters than their regular versions.
Timing: 10 minute timed turns (standard for 35pts is 7 minute timed turns, but I’m relaxing it for this one)
Tie-breakers: For the tournament, if there is no outright winner, Control Points will be tiebreaker. Second tiebreaker will be Army Points.
Scenarios:“Gauntlet”, “Destruction”, “Outflank, Outfight, Outlast”, “A Flag Too Far”, “Restoration”, “Command and Control”. The scenario for each round will be randomly chosen from the list above. Each scenario may only be used once. NOTE: The ‘Reinforcements’ artifice will not be used.
Prizes will include best general, 2nd place and a few spot prizes.
See you all there.