Hi Guys,
Just a quick post to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy 2011. Hopefully you are having a lovely holiday and have overindulged in the best festive tradition. If you’re feeling a little stomach ache, be aware that there is a small bug going around this year… Incubus Yuletidus.
I’m working on my Legion of Everblight force at the moment, hence the terrible joke and photoshopping. Recently, I’ve increased my Blighted Archers, Legionnaires and Warmongers up to full strength units (the MkII tax!). The Strider UA and Deathstalker are on my painting table at the moment. I hope to get a Raek, Ravagore and couple of Harriers done (assembled and painted) over the next couple of weeks. eThagrosh, Absylonia and a unit of Raptors are also sitting in their boxes waiting to be done.