As a small Thank You for hosting me for the day in Orlando I decided months ago that I’d try to make Clay a small gift – a battlefield in a box. We used it during the Scourge Bringer campaign. The idea was pretty simple. I knew whatever I brought over to him would have to go in my luggage and I didn’t want it to be wrecked! So I picked out a plastic storage box and decided I’d fill it with pieces of handmade terrain.

I love making terrain. It’s pretty easy and few things look better than fully painted armies on a nice looking terrain. The materials I used in this project were all to hand – 6mm plastic (MDF would do fine too), foam, sand, mattress liner (cocnut hair composite!), paint and flock. I had a couple of spare Woodland Scenics trees and a couple of precast walls.

Here are some photos I took when making the pieces – they’re pretty self explanatory!
[flickr-gallery mode=”photoset” photoset=”72157625509650150″]
