Lenny and I got a Steamroller practice game in on Tuesday and I’m slowing getting the hang of the Privateers. That said, I spread the army too far and fell into Lenny’s (well laid) trap, i.e. lots of ranged attacks zeroed in on the scenario (Incursion) objectives! He had good concealment and cover for most of his army, so I had little option, but to try and get on top of them fast.
Photograph Note: The Cryx models are serving as scenario flags!
It was, however, a close game in the end with Lenny having to risk eHaley in order to avoid a loss by scenario. My army was in tatters at that stage and Shae was engaged by a Centurion and Lancer. They had trouble hitting him, but they eventually did the job. I managed to drop the Cygnaran ‘caster to only four boxes, but in the end Cygnar won the day.
It was a good game and it felt quite tight (even if most of my army was decimated at range).
I’m looking at starting up Privateers as soon as my Skorne are fully painted (not far away), so I’ve been enjoying your reports. Keep em coming mate!
They are a challenging army to run, but they are also great fun. I love the reaction from my opponents when they realize just how fast the army can move and how hard they can hit! I played a couple more games yesterday with them that I actually managed to win! I’ll blog about them later or tomorrow.