Okay, time to stop procrastinating and get something substantial painted. I have a good bit of Cryx painted, but I want to get everything I own painted (with the exception of the unpainted Slayer). I’ve been collecting the Cryx for quite a while, but they are definitely my third faction behind Khador and Legion of Everblight. Below is a list of what I have and what is painted –

Name Cost VP Painted?
Warwitch Deneghra 76 5 Yes
Goreshade the Bastard 80 5 Yes
Slayer 110 3 Yes
Slayer 110 3 No
Defiler 45 1 Yes
Defiler 45 1 Yes
Defiler 45 1 Yes
Mechanithralls (6/10) 39 2 No
Bile Thralls (6/10) 41 2 No
Bane Knights (8/10) 99 2 No
Bane Thralls (6/10) 82 2 Yes
Bane Thralls (6/10) 82 2 No
Skarlock 16 1 Yes
Machine Wraith 21 1 Yes
Pistol Wraith 33 1 Yes
Bane Lord Tartarus 40 1 No

Army Points: 964
Victory Points: 33

As you can see, just over half (in points terms) of what I own is painted, but I have several units that I need to get done. The Bane Thralls, Bane Knights, Mechanithralls and Bile Thralls number 26 miniatures, so that’s quite a bit to get done. I’m hoping to blitz them over the next couple of weeks. I’ll post updates as there is progress!

I’d like to add one new ‘caster and a new ‘jack to the list, but I’ll hold off making any decisions until I’ve more stuff painted. A Nightmare or Deathjack is top of my warjack list and original Skarre is a definite possibility for a new ‘caster.
