In another good day of painting I managed to complete Bane Lord Tartarus. I wanted him to have a similar colour to the Bane Thralls, but to also have the blue hue which is a subtle theme colour in the army.
I painted the brown in much the same way as I did on the Bane Thralls (GW Bestial Brown gradually mixed with GW Bleached Bone and then washed with Devlan Mud). I gave him many more and much lighter drybrushes than the Bane Thralls. This has produced a much smoother and more cohesive finish. The ‘skirt’ was base coated in P3 Greatcoat Grey and then highlighted with increasing amounts of GW Shadow Grey to this base colour. It was then washed with an Asurmen Blue and Badab Black (1:1) wash. I picked out the bright blue emanating from the shadows using GW Ice Blue washed back with pure Asurmen Blue.
The metal on the weapon is GW Boltgun Metal lightly drybrushed with the detail picked out in a 1:1:1 mix of Boltgun Metal, Brazen Brass and Fortress Grey which gives a salmony metallic colour. The remaining metal areas on the aromour were lightly drybrushed in this colour.
I wanted to explore a little light sourcing so I directionally drybrushed the areas surrounding the ‘skirt’ with a very light touch of GW Ice Blue to look like they were being lit by the glow. I highlighted it by adding a small amount of Bleached Bone, but this was a very, very light drybrush. The effect has worked out quite well, but I’m sure a bit more practice will see dramatic improvements.
All told it took about 3 hours to finish Tartarus from bare metal to fully painted (I’ll do the base when I’m basing the current batch of miniatures). Not bad for the time invested.
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